Simon “Swilly” Williams Talks Micronesia

by | Nov 22, 2016 | Flights

This is my 11th year of traveling to Micronesia. It is a really special place. Not only has it stunning landscapes but the island people are just beautiful. My journey this time started at Brisbane airport.

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Nauru Airlines were kind enough offer their services to me. I have to say it was one of the best flights I have done in a long time. We flew over Tawur atoll, mind blowing how beautiful it is. Thanks Naura airlines. Stepping off the plane in Pohnpei was like visiting your best mate. You are hit with its beauty and the island vibe, Island time, it’s not flat out that’s for sure, the perfect place to unwind.

My first 2 days have been so much fun. Early morning session in 2 to 3 foot fun runner. Nice after leaving howling NE winds on east coast of OZ.

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Allois and Valentina run the best camp at PSC. The camp is in the Mangrove Bay Hotel a pretty spot at bottom of the bay with Sokehs rock rising up over the bay. Your room sits right over the lagoon. It has a great bar beside it, making it super hard to leave. Saying this, the island has so many great things to see as well. Waterfalls and a great hike to the ruins that have been around from a time dating back to before Christ.

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Now I know you are all asking what about the waves. You may think it’s all huge barrels and razor reef, at p pass. Wrong it’s the best fun wave under 4 foot you will surf.

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Today we surfed with 5 of us in fish tank glass conditions. What more can you say. It is paradise. I am still smiling from that session. I woke up on Monday morning to a fun 3 foot swell hitting from the NNW.
Judge for yourself how much fun we had from the photos.



To learn more about Micronesia and to book a trip CLICK HERE

All photos by Simon “Swilly” Williams

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